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Is your relationship with food causing you problems in your life?

Or are you watching someone you care about struggling with eating, on a regular basis?

As human beings we need to eat to survive and if our relationship with food is poor then this can cause untold stress to ourselves and to people who care about us.

The reasons behind unhealthy eating habits can be complex and many, and there is often no easy quick solution, but there is definitely hope and change is possible. Whether you feel that you or your loved one might have a known recognised Eating Disorder such as Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa, or whether you simply have an awareness that something is not quite as you would like it to be with your eating habits, help is available.

‘Eating Disorders Counselling Services Devon’ (EDCSD) was founded in 2012, by Gill Wilson. As a qualified counsellor with a great interest in Eating Disorders, Gill was keen to offer a service to clients who were maybe unable to access help elsewhere.

“Very often people struggling with their eating are told ‘its just a phase’ or that they are not ‘bad enough’ to receive help, and have very little choice as to where to turn for guidance and support. As evidence shows that early intervention is important to a good recovery, it seems crucial that therapeutic services such as the one that ‘EDCSD’ provides are available.” Gill Wilson

If you feel that your relationship with food is having a detrimental impact on your life, or you are watching a loved one struggle, please feel free to contact ‘Eating Disorders Counselling Services Devon’.

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